For this Black Jewish leader, George Floyd protest movement shows some Americans finally get it
Jun 25, 2020
“People of color have been walking around this country for so long with folks not acknowledging the experience they’re having with racism and prejudice. Finally, I think some of America is getting it. Folks not of color and allies are ste...
‘Racism is very prevalent in the Jewish community.’ A Black, Jewish, gay leader speaks out.
Jun 23, 2020
“There’s a level of confidence required in order to be the ‘only’ of anything,” Palmer said of his multiple identities. He attributes much of his success to this confidence, which propels him to innovate and create when ...
TedX Talk
Apr 29, 2014
Gamal Palmer has been on the forefront of theater-based social justice initiatives for more than a decade. He shares how his experiences in rural and urban setting around the world has shaped his work and influenced communities. Letting us in on his ...